Configuring Rights
To configure automatic HTTP Proxy filtering for this Access Policy, select the HTTP Proxy tab, as shown in
Figure 4-27, and select or enter data into the fields as described in Table 4-21.
Figure 4-27. Creating an Access Policy, the HTTP Proxy Tab
The fields under the HTTP Proxy tab are as follows:
Table 4-21. HTTP Proxy Tab Field Definitions
Field/Column Description
Automatic HTTP Proxy Enables or disables automatic HTTP proxy filtering for this Access Policy.
• Select the appropriate setting (Enabled or Disabled) from the drop-down list. The
default is Disabled.
Monitored Ports A list of ports or port ranges that should be monitored for HTTP traffic to filter.
• To enter a colon-separated list of ports or port ranges, type the list into the field
provided. You can also enter the list using commas as separators.
Filter The filter type. The choices are:
• Allow IP Accept HTTP traffic destined for the specified IP address
4-56 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide