Command Line Interface
Command Syntax
You may see a variety of symbols shown as part of the command syntax. These symbols explain how to
enter the command, and you do not type them as part of the command itself. Table A-1 summarizes
command syntax symbols.
Table A-1. Command Syntax Symbols
Symbol Description
angle brackets < > Enclose a variable or value. You must specify the variable or value.
For example, in the syntax
set datetime <date> <time>
you must supply a date string for <date> and a time string for <time> when entering the
command. Do not type the angle brackets.
braces { } Enclose a required value or list of required arguments. One or more values or arguments can
be specified. For example, in the syntax
logoff client {all | mac <mac-address>}
you must specify either —all“ or —mac“ followed by a MAC address when entering the
command. Do not type the braces.
vertical bar | Separates mutually exclusive items in a list, one of which must be entered. For example, in
the syntax
set dhcp on | off
you can enter set dhcp on or set dhcp off. You cannot combine the options in a single
help command. Do not type the vertical bar.
square brackets [ ] Enclose an optional value or a list of optional arguments. For example, in the syntax
set dns <ip-address> [<ip-address>]
the second IP address (specifying a secondary DNS server) is optional. You can leave it out
and specify only a primary DNS server. Do not type the square brackets.
Note: Some commands, such as
factoryreset, produce a prompt:
Are you sure? [n]
The value in braces indicates the default value if you press Enter without typing a value.
Getting CLI Command Help
The following command provides help for the CLI commands.
help [diag | help | ipsec | snmp]
Displays a list of commands. When used without an argument, the top-level commands are listed.
When a valid argument is specified, a list of commands for a command group are displayed.
Many commands, such as
add, clear, set, or show, can be used with a large number of arguments.
For these commands you can follow the command with a question mark to see a list of the options
you can use with the command.
For example, to see a list of the possible
add commands, type:
add ?
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide A-3