ENWW Automatic duplex unit (ADU) 105
MFP unit explanation
The reserve/exit selection gate in the fuser
unit determines whether the paper fed from
the fuser unit is to be ejected straight or
The reverse/exit selection gate is driven by
SD7 (reverse gate). The decurler roller is
driven by M4 (fuser) and the reverse/exit
roller is driven by M8 (reverse/exit). The
ADU reverse roller is driven by M9 (ADU
reverse). The exit conveyance roller and
MFP exit roller are driven by M7 (paper exit).
M4 and M7 are controlled by PRCB (printer
control board) directly. M8, M9, and SD7 are
controlled by PRCB (printer control board)
via ADUDB (ADU drive board).
Related signals are PS30 (fuser exit), PS37
(paper exit), and PS42 (paper reverse).
1 Operation
a Reverse/exit selection gate control
The reverse/exit selection gate is driven
by SD7 (reverse gate). Normally, the
reverse/exit selection gate is open to
guide paper to the reverse/exit section
in ADU. When paper is ejected straight,
SD7 is turned on to close the
reverse/exit selection gate.
When paper is ejected straight, SD7 is
turned on when the START button is
pressed and it is turned off when PS37
(paper exit) turns off at detection of the
trailing edge of the last sheet of paper.
b M4 (fuser) control
M4 (fuser) starts when the START
button is pressed, and it stops when
PS37 (paper exit) turns off at detection
of the training edge of the last sheet of
1 Straight paper exit
Paper is fed to the paper exit section
straight by the paper exit roller driven
by M4 (fuser) because SD7 (reverse
gate) is turned on to close the
reverse/exit selection gate.
2 Paper reverse/exit
Because SD7 (reverse gate) has
been turned off to open the
reverse/exit selection gate, paper is
fed to the reverse/exit section in ADU
by the paper exit roller and decurler
roller driven by M4 (fuser).
3 ADF conveyance
Same as paper reverse/exit.
c Reverse control
M8 (reverse/exit) starts when the
START button is pressed, and it stops
when PS37 (paper exit) turns off at
detection of the trailing edge of the last
sheet of paper. Its rotational speed and
direction change when paper is ejected
or reversed, or is fed to ADU.
1 Paper reverse/exit
The paper fed from the fuser unit is
then fed to the reverse/exit section via
the reverse/exit selection gate.
Normally, M8 and M9 are rotating in
the forward direction at a low speed,
feeding the paper to the ADU reverse
When PS30 (fuser exit) detects the
trailing edge of paper and
consequently turns off, M8 and M9
start rotating in the forward direction
at a high speed, feeding paper to the
ADU reverse section continuously.
When PS42 (paper reverse) detects
the trailing edge of paper and
consequently turns off, M8 and M9
start rotating in the opposite direction
at a high speed, feeding the paper in
the paper exit direction.
When PS45 (ADU paper reverse)
detects the trailing edge of paper and
consequently turns off, M9 starts
rotating in the forward direction at a
low speed. After a lapse of the
specified time from detection of the
trailing edge of paper by PS46
(reverse/exit), M8 (reverse/exit) starts