ENWW Safety warnings 5
Symbols used for safety and important warning items are defined as follows
Safety warnings
Modifications not authorized by hp
HP MFPs are renowned for their high reliability. This reliability is achieved through high-quality
design and a solid service network.
MFP design is a highly complicated and delicate process where numerous mechanical,
physical, and electrical aspects have to be taken into consideration, with the aim of arriving at
proper tolerances and safety factors. For this reason, unauthorized modifications involve a high
risk of degradation in performance and safety. Such modifications are therefore strictly
prohibited. The points listed below are not exhaustive, but they illustrate the reasoning behind
this policy.
Precaution when
using the MFP
General precaution Electric hazard High temperature
Prohibition when
using the MFP
General prohibition Do not touch with wet hand Do not disassemble
Direction when
using the MFP
General instruction Unplug Ground/Earth
WARNING: Prohibited actions
● Do not use any cables or power cord not specified by
● Do not use any fuse or thermostat not specified by
● Safety will not be assured, leading to a risk of fire
and injury.
● Do not disable fuse functions or bridge fuse
terminals with wire, metal clips, solder, or similar