ENWW Other kinds of control 119
MFP unit explanation
• During copying, held rotating at a
high speed. When copying is
completed, rotates at a high speed
for the specified time according to
the temperature in the machine,
then starts rotating at a low speed.
2 OFF timing
• During warm-up, stops when M2
(drum) is turned off.
• After completion of warm-up, not
turned off until SW2 (sub power) is
turned off.
b FM2 (writing section cooling)
1 ON timing
Turned on when M15 (polygon) is
turned on.
• During copying, held rotating at a
high speed in sync with M2 (drum).
• When not copying, held rotating at
a low speed.
2 OFF timing
Not turned off until SW2 (sub power)
is turned off.
c FM5 (cleaner cooling)
1 ON timing
Turned on when SW2 (sub power) is
turned on.
• During coping, held rotating at a
high speed.
• When copying is completed, starts
rotating at a low speed after a lapse
of the specified time from turning
off of M7 (paper exit). After this,
switching between high- and
low-speed operations takes place
according to the temperature in the
2 OFF timing
Not turned off until SW2 (sub power)
is turned off.
d FM6 (paper exit/F), FM7 (paper exit/R),
and FM8 (main cooling/2)
1 ON timing
At the start of copying, starts rotating
at a constant speed.
2 OFF timing
Turned off when M7 (paper exit) is
turned on.
e FM9 (scanner cooling)
1 ON timing
Turned on when L1 (exposure lamp)
is turned on.
2 OFF timing
Turned off when L1 (exposure lamp)
is turned off.
f FM10 (ADU reverse motor cooling)
1 ON timing
Starts rotating at a constant speed
when M9 (ADU reverse) is turned on.
OFF timing
Turned off when M9 (ADU reverse) is
turned off.
g FM13 (power supply cooling)
1 ON timing
Starts rotating at a constant speed
when SW1 (main power) is turned on.
2 OFF timing
Not turned off until SW1 (main power)
is turned off.
h Fan air flow