
Using Backup Options
Chapter 5228
Data Protection: Specifying How Long Data Is Kept on the Media
Configuring protection policies is extremely important for the safety of
your data and for successful management of your environment. See the
HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Concepts Guide for more detailed
information on how to define these policies.
Based on your company data protection policies, you have to specify how
long your backed up data is kept on the medium. For example, you may
decide that data is out of date after three weeks and can be overwritten
during a subsequent backup.
NOTE Due to operating system limitations, the latest protection date that can
be set is Jan 18th, 2038.
You can specify data protection in different places. Different
combinations are available, depending on whether you are running an
interactive backup, starting a saved backup specification, or scheduling a
backup. The default value is Permanent.
Interactive backups
When configuring an interactive backup, you can change the default
data protection for the entire backup. See Figure 5-28 on page 229.
Additionally, you can specify different data protection periods for
individual backup objects. The protection that is specified on the
backup object level overrides the default protection setting. See
Figure 5-29 on page 230.
Backups using a saved backup specification
When starting saved backups using the GUI, the data protection is
applied as described for interactive backups.
When starting saved backups using the CLI, you can also specify data
protection. This will override all data protection settings in the
backup specification.
Scheduled backups