Disaster Recovery
Disk Delivery Disaster Recovery of a Windows Client
Chapter 10460
• Disk Delivery Disaster Recovery is not supported for Microsoft
Cluster Server.
• RAID is not supported. This includes software RAIDs (fault-tolerant
volumes and dynamic disks).
• Internet Information Server (IIS) Database, Terminal Services
Database and Certificate Server Database are not restored
automatically during Phase 2. They can be restored on the target
system using the standard Data Protector restore procedure.
• Boot and system partition on Windows NT 4.0 must be physically
bellow the first 7,8 GB due to the operating system limitations. Refer
to MSDN Q224526.
Complete a few steps in order to prepare for disaster recovery. Read and
follow the section, “Preparing for a Disaster Recovery,” in addition to
completing the steps listed in this section.
IMPORTANT You have to prepare for disaster recovery before a disaster occurs.
In order to recover from a disaster quickly, efficiently and effectively, you
need the following:
• The last valid known full backup of the client that you want to
• A new hard disk to replace your crashed disk.
• A Data Protector hosting system, which has to be of the same
operating system as the crashed client and must have the same
hardware I/O path required to connect the new disk.
In order to re-create disk partitions to their initial state prior to the
crash, record the following information for each partition (it will be
needed during the recovery process):
• partitions length and order
• drive letters assigned to the partitions