Disaster Recovery
Advanced Recovery Tasks
Chapter 10 493
• the primary node must have write access to all IDB volumes, when
recovering the Cell Manager
• all other nodes must be shut down until all physical disk resources
are online
In this case, you have to restore the primary node with the quorum disk
first. The IDB has to be restored as well if the Cell Manager has been
installed in the cluster. Optionally you can restore the MSCS database.
After the primary node has been restored, you can restore all remaining
NOTE The MSCS service uses a hard disk signature written into the MBR of
every hard disk to identify physical disks. If the shared cluster disks
have been replaced, this means that the disk signatures were changed
during Phase 1 of disaster recovery. As a consequence, the Cluster
Service will not recognize the replaced disks as valid cluster resources,
and cluster groups depending on those resources will fail. See “Restoring
Hard Disk Signatures On Windows” on page 495 for more information.
Perform the following steps to restore the primary node:
1. Perform disaster recovery of the primary node (including the quorum
• Assisted Manual Disaster Recovery: All user and application data
on the quorum disk will be restored automatically by the drstart
command. (-full_clus option)
• EADR and OBDR: When you are asked to select the scope of
recovery, select Full with Shared Volumes to restore quorum
• Automated System Recovery: All user and application data on the
quorum disk will be automatically restored.