Figure 41 Multiple objects and sessions per medium, sequential writes
Figure 41 on page 149 shows an example of eight sequential writes over four sessions,
using the appendable media usage policy. The data was written in four sessions,
one object at a time. The three media belong to the same media pool. Medium_A
and medium_B are already full, while medium_C has still some space left.
Figure 42 Multiple objects and sessions per medium, concurrent writes
Figure 42 on page 149 shows an example of eight objects that have been written
during four sessions with the concurrency settings that allow for simultaneous writes.
In this case, obj_1, obj_2, and obj_3 have been backed up concurrently in sess_1;
obj_4 and obj_5 have been backed up concurrently in sess_2, and so on. Obj_1
could come from system_A and obj_2 from system_B, or they could come from
different disks on the same system. The media usage policy is appendable.
Figure 43 Multiple media per session, multiple media per object
Figure 43 on page 149 shows an example of four backup objects that have been
backed up during two sessions, so that the first pair of backup objects has been
Concepts guide 149