
database on the UNIX Cell Managers
IDB format, 189
IDB location, 189
database on the Windows Cell
IDB format, 188
IDB location, 188
database architecture, 189
database growth and performance key
filesystem dynamics, 197
database growth and performance key
factors, 197
database growth and performance key
tunable parameters, 198
logging level, 199
database growth and performance key
backup environment growth, 198
backup environment growth, 198
database growth and performance key
tunable parameters, 199
database in the MoM environment
Centralized Media Management
Database, 189
database in the MoM environment, 189
Database Library, 240
database on the Windows Cell
Manager, 188
database operation, 237
database size estimation, 203
databases, 237
backup interfaces, 240
cache memory, 238
Centralized Media Management
Database, 47
checkpoints, 239
control files, 238
data files, 238
dbspaces, 237
files, 237
online backups, 239
segments, 237
tables, 237
tablespaces, 237
transaction logs, 238
dbspaces, 237
DC binary file
Detail Catalog Binary Files, 192
IDB operation, 194
DC directory
Detail Catalog Binary Files, 192
DCBF information
Detail Catalog Binary Files, 192
DCBF location
Detail Catalog Binary Files, 193
DCBF size and growth
Detail Catalog Binary Files, 192
See Detail Catalog Binary Files
default block size, 158
default media pools, 136
demultiplexing media, 117
Detail Catalog Binary Files, 192
DC directory, 192
Detail Catalog Binary Files
DC binary file, 192
DCBF size and growth, 192
information, 192
location, 193
device chaining, 155
device configuration, 153
device chains, 161
device collision, 160