Data Protector security features
The following features allow and restrict access to Data Protector and the backed up
data. The items in this list are described in detail in the following sections.
• Cells
• Data Protector user accounts
• Data Protector user groups
• Data Protector user rights
• Visibility and access to backed up data
Starting sessions
Data Protector security is based on cells. Backup and restore sessions can only be
started from the Cell Manager unless you have the Data Protector
Manager-of-Managers functionality. This ensures that users from other cells cannot
back up and restore data from systems in your local cell.
Access from a specific Cell Manager
Additionally, Data Protector allows you to explicitly configure from which Cell
Manager a client system can be accessed, that is, configuring a trusted peer.
Restrict pre- and post-execution
For security reasons, various levels of restrictions can be configured for pre-exec and
post-exec scripts. These optional scripts allow a client system to be prepared for the
backup by, for example, shutting down an application to obtain a consistent backup.
Data Protector users accounts
Anyone using any Data Protector functionality, administering Data Protector, or
restoring personal data, must have a Data Protector user account. This restricts
unauthorized access to Data Protector and backed up data.
Who defines user accounts?
An administrator creates this account specifying a user login name, systems from
which a user can log in, and the Data Protector user group membership that defines
the user rights.
Planning your backup strategy74