First-time configuration 19
First-time configuration
This chapter describes how to perform first-time configuration and how to change system passwords.
To begin first-time configuration of the switch, perform the following steps.
1. Connect to the switch console. After connecting, the login prompt displays.
HP 10Gb Ethernet BL-c Switch
Copyright(C)2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
2. Enter admin as the default administrator password.
The system displays the Main Menu with administrator privileges.
[Main Menu]
info - Information Menu
stats - Statistics Menu
cfg - Configuration Menu
oper - Operations Command Menu
boot - Boot Options Menu
maint - Maintenance Menu
diff - Show pending config changes [global command]
apply - Apply pending config changes [global command]
save - Save updated config to FLASH [global command]
revert - Revert pending or applied changes [global command]
exit - Exit [global command, always available]
>> Main#
3. From the Main Menu, enter the following command to access the Configuration Menu:
Main# /cfg
The Configuration Menu is displayed.
[Configuration Menu]
sys - System-wide Parameter Menu
port - Port Menu
l2 - Layer 2 Menu
l3 - Layer 3 Menu
qos - QOS Menu
acl - Access Control List Menu
rmon - RMON Menu
pmirr - Port Mirroring Menu
ufd - Uplink Failure Detection Menu
dump - Dump current configuration to script file
ptcfg - Backup current configuration to FTP/TFTP server
gtcfg - Restore current configuration from FTP/TFTP server
cur - Display current configuration