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Show last 100 syslog messages
Command: /info/sys/log
Date Time Severity level Message
---- ---- ----------------- ------------
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 1
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 8
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 7
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 12
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 11
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 14
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 13
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 16
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 15
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 17
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 20
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 18
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 19
Jul 8 17:25:41 NOTICE system: link up on port 21
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 4
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 3
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 6
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 5
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 10
Jul 8 17:25:42 NOTICE system: link up on port 9
Each message contains a date and time field and has a severity level associated with it. One of eight
different prefixes is used to indicate the condition:
EMERG—indicates the system is unusable
ALERT—indicates action should be taken immediately
CRIT—indicates critical conditions
ERR—indicates error conditions or eroded operations
WARNING—indicates warning conditions
NOTICE—indicates a normal but significant condition
INFO—indicates an information message
DEBUG—indicates a debug-level message