
Configuration Menu 207
Command: /cfg/dump
The dump program writes the current switch configuration to the terminal screen. To start the dump
program, at the Configuration# prompt, enter:
Configuration# dump
The configuration is displayed with parameters that have been changed from the default values. The
screen display can be captured, edited, and placed in a script file, which can be used to configure
other switches. Paste the configuration commands from the script file at the command line prompt of
the switch. The active configuration can also be saved or loaded via FTP/TFTP.
Saving the active switch configuration
Command: /cfg/ptcfg <FTP/TFTP server> <filename>
When the ptcfg command is used, the active configuration commands of the switch (as displayed
using /cfg/dump) will be uploaded to the specified script configuration file on the TFTP server. To
start the switch configuration upload, at the Configuration# prompt, enter:
Configuration# ptcfg <FTP/TFTP server> <filename>
Where <FTP/TFTP server> is the FTP or TFTP server IP address or hostname and <filename> is
the name of the target script configuration file.
NOTE: The output file is formatted with line-breaks but no carriage returns. The file cannot be
viewed with editors that require carriage returns (such as Microsoft Notepad).
NOTE: If the TFTP server is running SunOS™ or the Solaris™ operating system, the specified ptcfg
file must exist prior to executing the ptcfg command and must be writable (set with proper
permission, and not locked by any application). The contents of the specified file will be replaced
with the current configuration data.
Restoring the active switch configuration
Command: /cfg/gtcfg <FTP/TFTP server> <filename>
When the gtcfg command is used, the active configuration will be replaced with the commands
found in the specified configuration file. The file can contain a full switch configuration or a partial
configuration. The configuration loaded using gtcfg is not activated until the apply command is
used. If the apply command is found in the configuration script file loaded using this command, the
apply action will be performed automatically.
To start the switch configuration download, at the Configuration# prompt, enter:
Configuration# gtcfg <FTP/TFTP server> <filename>
Where <FTP/TFTP server> is the FTP/TFTP server IP address or hostname and <filename> is
the name of the target script configuration file.
NOTE: The switch supports three configuration files: active, backup, and factory. See the “Selecting
a configuration block” section in the “Boot Options Menu” chapter for information on how to set
which configuration file to use upon boot up.