
12-4 Getting Started
Creating Albums
Albums are collections of pictures. You can group pictures into albums by
subject, event, or any other criteria that you choose. Pictures can be
added to an album by scanning or importing, or by copying or moving
pictures from the Light Table or from other albums.
To create an album:
1. Select the pictures on the Light Table.
2. Click Album on the Create tab.
3. Enter a name for the new album.
4. Specify whether the pictures should be moved or copied to the new
5. Click OK.
Creating E-Mail
Pictures from the Light Table, an album, the Trash, or Search Results can
be used to create e-mail messages.
1. Select the pictures on the Viewer pane.
2. On the Create tab, click the E-mail icon.
3. A series of questions will guide you through the process of sending an e-
4. Address your mail message using the postcard template that is provided.
You can manually type the e-mail addresses of each recipient or use the
address book. Type a subject and the text of your message in the spaces
5. When you are ready to send the mail message, click the Send button.