Adobe PhotoDeluxe Technical Support B-9
Appendix B: Customer
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Technical Support
U.S. and Canada
Adobe's CustomerFirst program offers the following Technical Support
■ A technical support database on the World Wide Web providing
PhotoDeluxe technical notes:
■ Adobe FaxYI, a free fax-on-demand system that can fax any of more
than 1,000 technical and customer service documents on
PhotoDeluxe. In North America, call 206-628-5737 from a touch-tone
phone and follow the recorded instructions. The index of
PhotoDeluxe issues, the document is 360099.
■ Technical documents from Adobe by e-mail. All documents available
through Adobe FaxYI are also available through e-mail. To receive an
index of documents for PhotoDeluxe issues, send e-mail to
techdocs@adobe.com and type 360099 in the subject line.
■ The Adobe Forum for America Online© or CompuServe®.
Correspond with PhotoDeluxe experts to get answers to commonly
asked questions. On America Online, type the keyword Adobe and
enter the Adobe PhotoDeluxe message board. On CompuServe, type
GO ADOBEAPP and enter the PhotoDeluxe Forum. Forums and
availability may vary by country.
■ The Internet button in PhotoDeluxe. Click on the button to access
PhotoDeluxe tips, techniques, and other resources over the Web.
Additionally, you can choose from a variety of support options in North
America and Canada through the Adobe CustomerFirst® program,
including single-incident call support, 900 number access, and even
yearly support contracts. For information on the Adobe CustomerFirst
program, call 800-685-3652 between 6 A.M. and 5 P.M., Pacific Standard
Time, Monday through Friday.
Outside North America or Canada, terms may vary. Contact your local
subsidiary or distributor for details. For the phone number of your local
subsidiary, visit our Web site at this address: