12-8 Getting Started
specify only one of the dimensions; the program automatically changes
the other.
Crop Image—To crop a picture, press the left mouse button and outline
the cropped area. To resize the image so that it fills the entire area before
cropping, click the Scale Image button.
Rotate Image—To rotate an image, click the appropriate button (90
Degrees Clockwise or Counter-clockwise) or enter the degrees in the field
provided. To reset the image to its original rotation, click the Reset
Change Lighting—To brighten or darken a picture, use the Brightness
slide bar. Use the Contrast slidebar to adjust the contrast. More contrast
widens the range of luminance in the picture. Less contrast narrows the
range of luminance.
View the effects on the preview screen. Click the Automatic Adjustment
button to reset the brightness and contrast to the default values.
Change Focus—To accentuate edges and contrasts in a picture, increase
the focus by sliding the bar toward Sharpen. To smooth edges and
minimize contrasts, slide the bar toward Blur. View the effects on the
preview screen.
Add Mosaic—The mosaic effect groups pixels using tiles. Specify the tile
size by sliding the bar toward Smaller or Larger. View the effects on the
preview screen.
Add Embossing—Raises the background of a picture by suppressing
color and outlining the edges in black. Specify the degree of embossing
by sliding the Depth bar toward In or Out. View the effects on the
preview screen. To specify the directional gradient of the embossed edges,
use the mouse to spin the needle on the Direction meter.
Correcting Color and Exposure—When you click the Auto Correct
Color button, the color correction is applied automatically, using pre-
defined settings. To fine-tune the colors afterwards, you can increase or
decrease the level of each color. Change the red, green, or blue values by
sliding the pointer beside one of the colors to the right or to the left. The
results are displayed in the sample picture shown on the right side of the
To automatically correct the exposure, click the Auto Correct Exposure
button. The results are displayed in the sample picture shown on the