
13-12 ColorFlex 07/02
Foot Switch
Pressing the foot switch performs the same function as the Read button on
the keypad. A pre-programmed sequence of steps can be carried out
without input from the computer keyboard or mouse. See the “Toolbar”
section of the Configure chapter for instructions. Install the foot switch by
plugging it into the round connector on the back of the ColorFlex. (See the
picture on page 13-13.)
External Serial Printer
The external serial printer connects to the serial port of the ColorFlex and
prints the setup data when the Read key is pressed and held or the
measurement data when the Up Arrow/Print key is pressed. The serial
printer sold by HunterLab is a dot matrix printer that operates at 9600 baud.
The communications cable supplied with the printer must be used to connect
the printer to the ColorFlex. More information on the serial printer is
provided in its separate User's Manual.
Carrying Case
This option provides a hard-sided carrying case designed
specifically for the ColorFlex that allows the instrument to be
easily transported.