
13-4 ColorFlex 07/02
Options and Sample Devices
Any or all of the following options and sample devices may be included. HunterLab part numbers are
included for your convenience.
Sample clamp/port-forward stand (HL#D02-1010-459),
Port inserts [45°/0° instruments only] (various part numbers),
Bar code reader kit (HL#D02-1010-715),
2.5-inch glass sample cup (HL#04-7209-00),
Sample cup opaque cover (HL#04-4000-00),
Sample cup port plate [45°/0° instruments only] (HL#04-6622-00),
Ring and disk set [45°/0° instruments only] (HL#02-4579-00),
Orange juice tube holder [45°/0° instruments only] (HL#D02-1011-127),
Citrus option [45°/0° instruments only] (HL#UNI-Citrus/CFLX),
OJ4 orange juice standard, uncalibrated (HL#A11-1011-509),
Set of 6 orange juice standards, uncalibrated (HL#A11-1011-510),
Tomato option [45°/0° instruments only] (HL#UNI-Tomato/CFLX),
Tomato red tile [45°/0° instruments only] (HL#11-0202-00 for tile, TILE-CAL-TRACEABLE for
calibration to traceable standards),
Skein holder [45°/0° instruments only] (HL#02-7396-00),
1.25-inch glass port insert [45°/0° instruments only] (HL#02-6624-05),
1.25-inch UV port insert [45°/0° instruments only] (HL#D02-1010-618),
Foot switch (HL#D02-1010-327),
External serial printer (HL#L01-1010-678 for 110V, L01-1010-679 for 220V),
Carrying case (HL#D02-1010-619).