Solving Ink System Problems
Checking the Ink Cartridges
If prompted, open the left door to access the ink cartridges.
The message “Check ink cartridges / Abort” is displayed. The flashing
squares indicate which printheads require checking. If you are unable to fix
the errors now, press
↓ to cancel (abort) the procedure.
n Check if any of the valves are loose in their holders. If so, this was probably the
cause of the problem. Reinsert the valve, and pull on the valve handle gently to
make sure it is seated properly. If you have recurring problems with a loose valve, it
is probably occurring while the printheads are refilling. You will need to replace the
ink system affected.
n If a loose valve was not the problem, remove the ink cartridges that show an error.
Check if they are empty by shaking them gently. If it feels as though nothing is
moving inside, the ink cartridge is empty and you will need to purchase a new ink
n Check that the triangular tab on the ink cartridge valve is not bent or broken. If you
are getting an Ink Cartridge Removed message, this may be the cause. If any are
bent or broken, you will need to replace your ink system.
n Check that the tubes coming from the ink cartridges are not bent or damaged. If
they are, replace the ink system.
n Check that the part number on the ink cartridges matches the type of ink system you
are using. (The printhead, cleaner and ink cartridge must all be of the same type.)
For Imaging Ink Systems the part numbers are C1806A to C1809A, and for UV
Pigmented Ink Systems they are C1892A to C1895A.
n Replace the ink cartridge valves in their correct color-coded locations. The
triangular tabs on the valves must be pointing up for the printer to recognize them
Close the left door.
Persistent Ink-
System Problems
If this does not fix the problem:
n If the problem is still present, but not severe enough to prevent printing, the
printer’s front panel will indicate that the printer’s image print quality cannot be
assured, but you will be allowed to continue printing if you so desire.
n If the problem is serious enough to prevent printing from occurring, please call
HP to help resolve the problem. Please have the messages your printer displayed
available for the service representative to help speed the diagnosis process.
Check ink cartridges
on Abort --->