Front-Panel Messages
Message Explanations and Actions
Ink cartridge
The printer has detected that one or more ink cartridges have been removed or cannot
be detected, as indicated by the flashing squares.
Press ↓ to check the failing ink cartridge. Printing has been disabled. You should
reseat the ink cartridge immediately; see 11-40, Checking the Ink Cartridges. If this
does not solve the problem, you will have to replace the entire ink system (printhead,
printhead cleaner, and ink cartridge) using the Replace Ink System key.
If you don’t correct the error now, you will see the status message “Ink system
error” described on page 12-7.
Ink cartridge valve
out ■■❏■→
The printer has detected that one or more of the ink cartridge valves (as indicated by
flashing squares) has popped out during refilling.
Press ↓ to check the failing ink cartridge. You should reseat the valves immediately;
see 11-40, Checking the Ink Cartridges. If this does not solve the problem, you will
have to replace the entire ink system (printhead, printhead cleaner, and ink cartridge)
using the Replace Ink System key.
Ink system at end of
life ■■■❏→
The printer has found that an earlier “Out of ink” error has not been corrected.
One or more components of the ink system
, as indicated by flashing squares, have
reached the end of their intended lives. You should now replace all three
components of those ink systems affected (the printheads, the printhead cleaners
and the ink cartridges). See the general comments about ink systems on page 11-
Press ↓ to continue. Image print quality may be affected. Replacement of the ink
systems affected is recommended. To fix problems with the ink system, see 11-38,
Checking Ink Systems.
Ink system at end of
life. Retry→
The printer has detected that one or more components of the ink system have
reached the end of their intended lives. You should now replace all three
components of those ink systems affected (the printheads, the printhead cleaners
and the ink cartridges). See the general comments about ink systems on page 11-
Press ↓ to replace the erroneous ink systems. See 11-38, Checking Ink Systems.
Message Explanation and Action