Solving Front-Panel Problems
Solving Front-Panel Problems
If the Replace Ink System Key Does Not Work
n Make sure the window is closed before you press Replace Ink System.
n The printer may be busy. Wait until it has completed the current process.
n Press Enter to clear the previous message.
If None of the Front-Panel Keys Work
n The printer may have been idle for some time and reverted to standby mode.
Momentarily press the standby switch to restore the front-panel keys and menu
n At the power switch at the back of the printer, turn the printer off and then on
again. If the problem persists, have your printer serviced.
If Page Format/Rotate does not Work
n The file may be too large for the printer’s memory. This is the case if the front
panel displays “Out of memory - data was lost”. See page 13-18, Ordering
Accessories for details of memory expansion modules.
n The printer cannot rotate raster images (except for PostScript files). If your non-
PostScript file contains raster data (typically, images with heavy area fill and
shading that you have scanned into your software) you will not be able to rotate
the print.
If a Display Message will not Clear
n Look up the message in chapter 12, Front-Panel Messages. The message
description may help you understand and resolve the problem.
n If looking up the message did not help, press Enter. If that does not work, turn
the power off, then on again. If the message still displays, have the printer
serviced. If the message says “System Error” and has an alphanumeric code,
refer to the next explanation.