Simple Programming 13-13
Using INPUT for Entering Data
The INPUT instruction ( Variable ) stops a running program and
displays a prompt for the given variable. This display includes the existing value for
the variable, such as
"R" is the variable's name,
"?" is the prompt for information, and
0.0000 is the current value stored in the variable.
(run/stop) to resume the program. The value you keyed in then writes
over the contents of the X–register and is stored in the given variable. If you have not
changed the displayed value, then that value is retained in the X–register.
The area–of–a–circle program with an INPUT instruction looks like this:
To use the INPUT function in a program:
1. Decide which data values you will need, and assign them names.
(In the area–of–a–circle example, the only input needed is the radius, which we
can assign to R.)
RPN mode ALG mode