Operation Index G-1
Operation Index
This section is a quick reference for all functions and operations and their formulas,
where appropriate. The listing is in alphabetical order by the function's name. This
name is the one used in program lines. For example, the function named FIX n is
executed as
8 (1) n.
Nonprogrammable functions have their names in key boxes. For example,
Non–letter and Greek characters are alphabetized before all the letters; function
names preceded by arrows (for example, DEG) are alphabetized as if the arrow
were not there.
The last column, marked , refers to notes at the end of the table.
Name Keys and Description Page
+/– Changes the sign of a number.
1–15 1
Addition. Returns y + x.
1–19 1
Subtraction. Returns y – x.
1–19 1
Multiplication. Returns y × x.
1–19 1
Division. Returns y ÷ x.
1–19 1
Power. Indicates an exponent.
6–16 1
Deletes the last digit keyed in; clears
x; clears a menu; erases last function
keyed in an equation; deletes an
equation; deletes a program step.
Displays previous entry in catalog;
moves to previous equation in
equation list; moves program pointer
to previous step.