1-26 Getting Started
The HP 35s allows you to enter and operate on fractions, displaying them as either
decimals or fractions. The HP 35s displays fractions in the form a b/c, where a is an
integer and both b and c are counting numbers. In addition, b is such that 0≤b<c
and c is such that 1<c≤4095.
Entering Fractions
Fractions can be entered onto the stack at any time:
1. Key in the integer part of the number and press . (The first
separates the integer part of the number from its fractional part.)
2. Key in the fraction numerator and press
again. The second
separates the numerator from the denominator.
3. Key in the denominator, then press or a function key to terminate
digit entry. The number or result is formatted according to the current
display format.
The a b/c symbol under the
key is a reminder that the key is used
twice for fraction entry.
The following example illustrates the entry and display of fractions.
All significant digits; trailing
zeros dropped.
Four decimal places, no exponent.
Reciprocal of 58.5.
Î (hold)
Shows full precision until you release