Disabling and e
nabling a switch
By default, th
e switch is enabled after power on and diagnostics and switch initialization
routines complete. You can disable and re-enable the switch as necessary.
To disable:
1. If you have not
already done so, connect to the switch and log in as admin as
described in
Connect to the Command Line Interface.
2. Issue the switchDisable command.
All Fibre Channel ports on the switch are taken offline. If the switch was part of a
fabric, the
fabric reconfigures.
To enable:
1. Ifyouhavenotalreadydoneso,connecttotheswitchandloginasadmin as
described in Connect to the Command Line Interface.
2. Issue the s
witchEnable command.
All Fibre Channel ports that pass the Power-on Self Test ( POST) are enabled. If the
switch has interswitch links (ISLs) to a fabric, it joins the fabric.
Disabling and enabling a port
To enable a port:
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin as described in Connect to the
Command Line Interface.
2. Issue portenable portnumber where portnumber is the port number of the port
you want to enable.
To disable:
1. If you have not already done so, connect to the switch and log in as admin as
described in Connect to the Command Line Interface.
2. Issue portdisable portnumber where portnumber is the port number of
the por t you want to disable.
36 Setup