
The 4Gb SAN Switch obtains a domain ID and assigns port addresses
Unicast routing tables constructed
Normal port operation enabled
Interpreting POST results
To determine whether POST completed successfully and whether any errors were
1. Verify that the 4
Gb SAN Switch LEDs indicate all components are healthy. See
Table 13 for description and interpretation of LED patterns. If one or more LEDs do
not display a H ealthy state, use the switchshow command to verify that the LEDs
on the switch ar
2. Verify that the 4Gb SAN Switch prompt appears on the terminal of a computer
workstation connected to the switch. If there is no switch prompt when POST
completes, pr
ess Enter. If the switch prompt still does not appear, try opening
another teln
et session or a nother management tool. If this is not successful, the 4Gb
SAN S witch d
id not successfully complete POST; contact HP.
3. Review the switch system l og for err ors. An y errors detected during POST are written
to the system log, accessible through the errshow command.
For information about all referenced commands and accessing the error log, refer
to the latest version of the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS administrator guide.For
information about error messages, refer t o the Fabric OS system error messages
reference manual.
Managing the 4Gb SAN Switch