HP4402.book : chapter3.fm 13 Fri Feb 12 15:32:45 1999
Menu Reference
Front Panel Menu Reference "Frequency/Cal Fac" Menu
HP E4419B User’s Guide 3-13
The softkey menu structured to this hardkey affects the channel setup.
Press this hardkey to access the “Frequency/Cal Fac” menu which allows
you to enter the frequency of the signal to be measured or the calibration
factor. Depending on the type of power sensor connected, and whether or
not a sensor calibration table or frequency dependent offset table is
selected, the text on some softkeys may appear grayed out. This indicates
that they are not relevant in the power meter’s current mode of operation.
Table 3-1 details the relevant softkeys in various modes of operation.
Table 3-1
Press this softkey to enter the frequency of the signal to be
measured on channel A, in the range of 0.001 MHz to
999.999 GHz. The default value is 50 MHz. Use the , ,
and hardkeys to change the frequency. To confirm your
choice press the appropriate frequency unit. Entering a frequency
using this softkey is only possible when you have a sensor
calibration table or frequency dependent offset table selected or
you are using an HP E-series power sensor.
Sensor Calibration Table
Sensor Calibration Table
Not Selected
Frequency Cal Factor Frequency Cal Factor
HP 8480
Frequency can
be entered.
Default value
is 50 MHz.
The Cal Factor is
obtained from the
sensor calibration
table but can be
overridden by this
Frequency can
be entered if a
offset table is
The Cal Factor can
be entered. Default
value is 100%.
HP E-series
Not Applicable Not Applicable Frequency can
be entered.
Default value
is 50 MHz.
The Cal Factor
cannot be entered, it
is obtained from the
EEPROM in the
power sensor.
Cal Fac
A Freq
B Freq
A Cal Fac
B Cal Fac
A Freq
B Freq
A Cal Fac
B Cal Fac
A Freq