
HP4402.book : HP4402IX.doc 1 Fri Feb 12 15:32:45 1999
"%" key description 3-12
absolute accuracy, specification 5-4
accessories xi
accuracy, of power reference 5-5
of Hewlett-Packard 2-77
of HP-IB 2-53
alphanumeric data
entry window 1-15
modify 3-36
altitude characteristic 5-15
analog display 2-49
"Anlg Mtr Scaling" key description 3-15
arrow keys 1-6
, 3-36
averaging 2-38
step detection 2-39
"Backlight Off" key description 3-33
"Backlight On" key description 3-33
"Backlight Timed" key description 3-33
basic errors, 2-75
"Battery" key description 3-32
battery operation 2-3
backlight 2-4
battery status 2-3
carry case 2-3
charging times 2-4
general information 2-3
removal/replacement 2-5
running time 2-3
battery option 001 5-13
charge time 5-13
chemistry 5-13
operational characteristics 5-13
service life 5-13
typical operating time 5-13
weight 5-13
battery self-test 2-70
"Baud Rate" key description 3-22
bit map display self-test 2-72
"Bitmap Displays" key description 3-30
block data not allowed, error message 4-6
bus, HP-IB
language selection 2-58
setting of address 2-53
cabinet installation 1-19
cables xi
"Cal Fac" key description 3-14
"Cal" key description 3-34
calibrate 2-8
HP 8480 series sensors 2-9
HP E-series sensors 2-8
using TTL inputs 2-12
calibration data 2-15
calibration factors 2-15
calibration table 2-19
editing 2-21
selection of 2-19
"Calibrator" key description 3-30
calibrator self-test 2-71
calling Hewlett-Packard, 2-74
"Cancel" key description 3-20
carry case 2-3
carry handle, adjusting 1-18
caution v
"Change" key description 3-24
, 3-25
channel connectors (option 002 or 003) 1-16
channel limits 2-43
channel offset 2-36