HP4402.book : chapter2.fm 37 Fri Feb 12 15:32:45 1999
Power Meter Operation
Making Relative Measurements
HP E4419B User’s Guide 2-37
Making Relative Measurements
Relative mode allows you to compare any measurement result to a
reference value. The relative reading can be displayed in either dB or % by
pressing and selecting either or . When the measurement
result is displayed in % a prefix multiplier may be shown.
Relative mode is window dependent and when enabled displays “Rel” in
the window to which it’s applied.
To set a reference value on the currently selected window:
1. Press .
2. Press to use the current reading as the reference value. This
allows you to compare any measurement result in dB or
percentage (%).
3. is automatically set to “On” when is pressed.
Successive measurements are now displayed relative to the reference
value. The relative mode can be disabled and re-enabled simply by
pressing .
dB %
Rel Off On Rel
Rel Off On