HP 912 Digital Camera User’s Guide 126 Glossary
See “Aperture Priority (Av) exposure mode” on page 125.
Av button
See “+/-/Av button” on page 125.
battery status
The amount of power that remains in the battery.
battery status icon
An icon that appears in the status LCD that indicates the amount of power left in the batteries.
camera mode dial
The dial on the back of the camera that allows you to choose one of four operational modes (Capture,
Review, Playback, or PC Connect mode) for the camera.
Capture mode
An operational mode you use to take pictures (or “capture images”) with the camera. See also “camera
mode dial” on page 126.
Charge Coupled Device. An integrated micro-electronic, light-sensing device built into a digital camera.
The CCD image sensor is a silicon chip containing hundreds-of-thousands to a few million light-sensitive
cells that convert light to electricity. A CCD sensor, combined with the digital image processing capability,
is the functional equivalent of film in a digital camera.
CCD element
A single photosensitive area within a CCD array that is able to record a unique image detail. Also known
as a photosite. See also “CCD” on page 126.
Close-up exposure mode
The exposure mode that automatically optimizes camera settings for taking pictures of subjects close up.
See also “exposure modes” on page 127.
Continuous image type
The image type setting on the camera that captures a series of images in rapid succession. This image type
is recommended for capturing action shots. You change the image type by pressing the image type
button next to the status LCD. See also “image type” on page 128.
A setting that the camera automatically uses until you change it.
A command associated with a soft key that is used to erase marked images or the current image from the
memory card.
digital zoom
Refers to digital cropping of the image, giving the appearance of greater zoom. After the optical zoom is
at its maximum setting, you can digitally zoom in three steps (1.2x, 1.5x, and 2.0x). The image LCD must be
on in order for the digital zoom to operate. Note that, in digital zoom mode, enlargement is accomplished
without changes in lens configuration. Since the lens is not involved in digital zoom, the changes appear
only in the image LCD; they are not evident though the viewfinder. See also “optical zoom” on page 130.
diopter control
The rubber eye cup on the viewfinder is also a diopter control that you can turn. The diopter control
allows you to adjust the focus of the picture subject in the viewfinder. Note that the diopter control has no
effect on the image you capture, however.
DISPLAY button
A button on the back of the camera that turns the image LCD on and off in Capture mode, and turns the
overlay bars on and off in Playback mode. This button is inactive in Review and PC Connect modes. See
also “image LCD” on page 128.