
Chapter 6: Menu and Soft Key Reference 79 Capture Mode Menus and Soft Keys
Image Counter Submenu
Figure 59: Image Counter Submenu Use the Image Counter submenu to set how the image counter works.
Table 38: Image Counter Submenu
Note: Once you have changed the Image
Counter setting, you must power the
camera off and then on again for the new
setting to take effect.
Table 39: Image Counter Soft Keys
Setting Function
Reset When Empty Each time you delete all of
the images on your camera,
the counter restarts the first
image captured at number 1.
Continuous Counter
The images are counted
according to the history of
the camera’s use. For
example: image #400 is the
400th image to be captured
with this camera.
Soft Key Function
Select Places a checkmark next to the
selected setting and returns to the
Preferences menu.
Exit Returns to the Preferences menu
without changing the setting.