Chapter 6: Menu and Soft Key Reference 71 Capture Mode Menus and Soft Keys
Table 23: Settings for Date/Time, Text, and Logo Stamp Submenus
Note: If you have set the Color in the File
Settings submenu to either B&W (black and
white) or Sepia, the Image Stamp will also be
B&W or Sepia, regardless of the color you set
for the Text and Background Colors in the
Image Stamp menu.
Table 24: Date/Time Stamp Soft Keys
Setting Options
Type None (default), Both, Date, Time
Top right quadrant of image
Center of image
Bottom left quadrant of image
Bottom right quadrant of image
Top left quadrant of image
Transparency Opaque - There will be a background box around the text.
Semi - There will be a translucent background box.
Clear - There will be no background behind the text.
Text Color White, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black
Background Black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow
Soft Key Function
Default Returns all settings on screen to
their defaults
Exit Saves the settings, exits this
submenu, and returns to the
Image Stamp menu.