Operating Requirements 101
• For the long-wave port, Hewlett-Packard recommends 9-micron single-mode fiber
• For ports 1 through 9, Hewlett-Packard recommends 50-micron multimode fiber cable
for new installations but also supports 62.5-micron multimode fiber cable with SC-style
connectors in existing installations.
Cable Plant Specifications
The cable plant includes losses of the fiber and splices and connectors (excluding those at
the ends of the link that are accounted for in the transmitter and receiver specifications).
* HP suggests that the loss of a new single-mode cable plant be limited to 6dB or lower in
order to maximize the probability that the cable plant will permit 10- km operation with
the majority of long-wave hubs (HP-UX servers only). Larger losses are permissible if the
receiver power is greater than -17dBm. For new installations, HP recommends that the
single-mode fiber be low-loss fiber equivalent to Corning’s premium grade of their single-
mode SMF-28 cable with loss of 0.35 dB/km or lower in order to more easily attain the
required signal power at the receiver in spite of losses due to connectors and splices.
Table 8 Cable Plant Specifications: Single-Mode (2 km–10km, 100MB/sec)
Specification Units Value
Fiber type Single-mode; step index
Fiber core micron 9 (nominal)
Fiber Bandwidth (1 km) MHz Not applicable
Fiber Dispersion Ps/nm < 35
Return loss of cable plant with receiver connected dB > 12
Return loss of each individual connector or splice dB > 26
Cable plant loss dB < 6*