Arbitrated Loop
See Fibre Channel - Arbitrated Loop.
Child Hub
The HP SureStore E short-wave and long-wave hubs support a cascaded topology. In a
cascaded hub topology, the child hub is the hub that is not connected to the LAN
(ethernet). HP SureStore E hubs are configured as a parent or child hub through their
RS-232 interface.
See FC-AL Device.
The box, rack, or set of boxes containing one or more devices. It may provide the
powering, cooling, mechanical support, and external electronic interfaces for those
FC-AL Device
A device that uses Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop, which consists of one or more
FC-AL Port
The port on the hub that provides connection between the FC-AL adapter and the FC-
AL link.
The fiber optic cable made from thin strands of glass through which data in the form of
light pulses is transmitted (LASER, LED). It is used for high-speed transmission over
medium to long distances.