
126 Index
receive port, treatment of 87
reference documents 109
removing the fan module 89
replacement parts 97
replacing the fan module 88
warning 88
cable 100
devices connected to the hub 100
hardware 100
software 100
systems connected to the hub 100
Reset button
long-wave hub 15
short-wave hub 14
resetting the hub 14, 15
RS-232 port
functions of 4165
long-wave hub 15
setting up a connection 45
short-wave hub 14
troubleshooting 79
screws, part number 98
fault LED 25, 31
initializing 25
power LED 25, 31
running 64
troubleshooting 70, 73
values 64
serial cable
for dumb terminal connection 46
for PC connection 45
serial interface
troubleshooting 79
serial number
viewing 65
connecting to the hub 38
set community name
default value 59
Set sysDescr String menu
displaying 54
Set System OID menu
displaying 55
short-wave hub
See also hub
example of correct cabling 32
example of nonsupported cabling 37
examples of incorrect cabling 35
exchange part number 98
features 13
maximum supported distances 104
models 92
product numbers 92
recommended cables 100
supported hardware 103
supported topologies 17
signals, intermittent 87
SNMP trap community name
default value 59
SNMP values
resetting default values 59
verifying and setting 58
software depot
hub firmware 49
internet address 12, 49
software requirements 100
environmental 107
physical 108
verifying compatibility 32
standalone hub
installing 24
standard configurations 92
status messages
loop 79
subnetworking mask
setting 57
supported hardware 103