
EN The PCL Print Model 5-45
Rectangular Area Fills (Rules)
Rectangular area fills are a special case of source images—the
source transparency mode has no effect, since the printer treats the
rectangular area as a solid “black” (all 1’s) source.
Rectangular areas may be filled using patterns or textures. The
current Pattern ID (
?*c#G) selects the pattern, and the Fill
Rectangular Area command (
?*c#P) tiles an area whose
dimensions are specified by the Vertical and Horizontal Rectangle
size commands (
?*c#A, ?*c#B, ?*c#H, ?*c#V). The rectangular
area does not exist and cannot be printed until the Fill Rectangular
Area command (
?*c#P) has been issued, even though the
rectangular area has been specified.
Filling a rectangular area does not change the current active cursor
position (CAP). The filled rectangular area is not affected by
end-of-line wrap, perforation skip mode, or margins. A rectangular
area may extend beyond the margins, but it will be clipped to the
printable area of the logical page. Rectangular areas are not affected
by graphics resolution (
Except for the absence of white pixels in the source, pattern
transparency operates the same way for rectangular area fills as for
other sources. The non-white pixels of the pattern are poured through
the entire rectangular area onto the destination. The white bits of the
pattern are either applied or ignored, based on the pattern
transparency mode. If foreground color is used, it is applied to the
non-white bits of the pattern prior to pouring (except for user-defined
color patterns).
Note The Pixel Placement command (?*l#R) affects rules.
The commands used to print rectangular area fills are described
beginning on the next page.