
6-38 Raster Graphics EN
Raster Graphics Example
To transfer an unencoded arrow-shaped raster graphic image (see
Figure 6-7) in the shape of an arrow, perform the following steps
(notice the well-behaved raster sequence is utilized):
1 Position the cursor:
2 Specify Raster Presentation Mode 0:
3 Specify the raster graphics resolution:
4 Specify the raster graphics height:
5 Specify the raster graphics width:
6 Specify the left raster graphics margin:
7 Specify the Y offset:
?*p300x400Y Move the cursor to PCL Unit position
(300, 400) within the PCL coordinate
?*r0F Print raster graphics in the orientation of
the logical page.
?*t75R Set raster resolution to 75 dpi.
?*r32T Specify a raster height of 32 pixels (32
rows of raster data).
?*r32S Specify a 32-pixel raster width.
?*r1A Set the left graphics margin to the current
X position (300).
?*b0Y This specifies a Y offset of 0 (this
command is not necessary here but
shows the proper command sequence).