
Index-4 EN
pixels and pixel encoding 1-7
plane encoding A-6
position, rectangular area 5-49
PP (pixel placement) command 7-20,
PP command, HP-GL/2 7-22
primitives A-14
print model A-1
command sequence 5-6
current pattern 5-2
destination image 5-1
logical operations and transparency
pattern 5-1
pattern ID (area fill ID) command 5-29
pattern transparency mode 5-2, 5-8
rectangular area fills 5-45
rectangular areas, pattern ID command
Select Current Pattern command 5-32
source image 5-1
source transparency mode 5-2
printable area (raster graphics) 6-7
patterns/shading 5-29
raster graphic resolution 6-8
push/pop palette command 3-3, C-3
raster graphics 6-1, 6-7
adaptive compression 6-28
clipping 6-13
command sequence 6-6
compression 6-20, 6-27
compression (example) 6-23, 6-27
compression, byte counts 6-34
compression, coding efficiency 6-23
compression, TIFF Encoding 6-21
data block 6-28
data compressions/reduction 6-15
delta row compression 6-20, 6-24
End command 6-35
end raster graphics command 6-35
Height command 6-13
image 6-1
left margin 6-17
memory usage 6-8
orientation 6-10
presentation 6-17
presentation mode 6-17
printable area 6-7
printing zeroed row 6-27
raster area height 6-13
raster graphics presentation mode
command 6-10
Raster Y Offset command 6-19
repeating row 6-27
resolution 6-17
run-length data compression 6-20,
seed row 6-26
Set Compression Method command
Start command 6-17
termination command 6-35
termination implied 6-17
TIFF data compression 6-20
Transfer Raster Data command 6-32,
Width command 6-15
zeroed rows 6-5
raster graphics presentation mode
command 6-10
raster graphics resolution command 6-8
raster height command 6-13
raster image 6-1
raster mode A-3
raster scaling 6-36
raster vs. non-raster color A-14
raster width command 6-15
Raster Y Offset command 6-19
fill (transparency mode) 5-50
Horizontal Size command 5-46
position 5-49
transparency mode 5-49
Vertical Rectangle Size command 5-47
rectangular area fill examples 5-52
rectangular area fills 5-45
related documents vi
render algorithm command 4-2, D-3
render algorithms 4-2, A-2, D-3
resolution, raster graphics printing 6-8
ROP 5-13
ROP3 logical operation 5-13
rows, zeroed (in raster graphics) 6-5
black 5-32
white 5-32
rules 5-45
adaptive compression 6-29
raster graphics compression 6-20
scaling, raster 6-36
seed row 6-24, 6-26
adaptive compression 6-31
raster graphic termination 6-17
Select Current Pattern command 5-32
Select Palette command 3-6, C-6
Set Compression Method command 6-20