ISQL and Tools
3-4 FairCom Corporation
ISQL includes several statements that provide simple formatting of SQL queries. The follow-
ing table summarizes the ISQL query-formatting statements.
The rest of this section provides an extended example that illustrates how to use the statements
together to improve formatting.
Table 3-2: ISQL Statements for Query Formatting
Statement Summary
DISPLAY Displays text, variable values, and/or column values after the
specified set of rows (called a break specification). See Section
3.7.7 "DISPLAY" on page 3-23 for details.
COMPUTE Performs aggregate-function computations on column values for
the specified set of rows, and assigns the results to a variable.
DISPLAY statements can then refer to the variable to display its
value. See Section 3.7.5 "COMPUTE" on page 3-21 for details.
BREAK Specifies at what point ISQL processes associated DISPLAY and
COMPUTE statements. BREAK statements can specify that pro-
cessing occurs after a change in a column's value, after each
row, after each page, or at the end of a query. DISPLAY and
COMPUTE statements have no effect until you issue a BREAK
statement with the same break specification. See Section 3.7.2
"BREAK" on page 3-13 for details.
DEFINE Defines a variable and assigns a text value to it. When DISPLAY
statements refer to the variable, ISQL prints the value. See Sec-
tion 3.7.6 "DEFINE" on page 3-23 for details.
COLUMN Controls how ISQL displays a column's values (the FORMAT
clause) and/or specifies alternative column-heading text (the
HEADING clause). See Section 3.7.4 "COLUMN" on page 3-16
for details.
TITLE Specifies text and its positioning that ISQL displays before or
after it processes a query. See Section 3.7.23 "
TITLE" on page
3-42 for details.
CLEAR Removes settings made by the previous DISPLAY, COMPUTE,
COLUMN, BREAK, DEFINE, or TITLE statements. See Section
3.7.3 "CLEAR" on page 3-15 for details.
Specifies various attributes that affect how ISQL displays queries
and results.