
ISQL and Tools
3-10 FairCom Corporation
The TITLE statement lets you specify text that ISQL displays before (TITLE TOP) or after
(TITLE BOTTOM) the query results.
The title can also be horizontally positioned by specifying the keywords LEFT, CENTER, or
RIGHT; or by specifying the actual column number corresponding to the required positioning
of the title. Use the SKIP clause to skip lines after a top title or before a bottom title.
The following example uses two TITLE statements to display a query header and footer.
Example 3-6: Specifying a Query Header and Footer with TITLE
ISQL> TITLE TOP LEFT "Orders Summary" RIGHT "September 29, 1998" SKIP 2;
ISQL> SHOW LINESIZE -- RIGHT alignment of TITLE is relative to this value:
LINESIZE .................... : 78
ISQL> TITLE BOTTOM CENTER "End of Orders Summary Report" SKIP 2;
ISQL> select c.customer_name, c.customer_city, o.order_id, o.order_value
from customers c, orders o
where o.customer_id = c.customer_id
order by c.customer_name;
Orders Summary September 29, 1998
------------- ------------- -------- -----------
Aerospace Enterpris Scottsdale 13 $3,000,000.00
Aerospace Enterpris Scottsdale 14 $1,500,000.00
Summary of activity for Aerospace Enterpris
Total number of orders: 2
Total value of orders: $4,500,000.00
Chemical Constructi Joplin 11 $3,000,000.00
Chemical Constructi Joplin 12 $7,500,000.00
Summary of activity for Chemical Constructi
Total number of orders: 2
Total value of orders: $10,500,000.00
Luxury Cars Inc. North Ridgeville 21 $6,000,000.00
Luxury Cars Inc. North Ridgeville 20 $5,000,000.00
Summary of activity for Luxury Cars Inc.
Total number of orders: 2
Total value of orders: $11,000,000.00
Tower Construction Munising 8 $2,000,000.00
Tower Construction Munising 10 $6,000,000.00
Tower Construction Munising 9 $8,000,000.00
Summary of activity for Tower Construction
Total number of orders: 3
Total value of orders: $16,000,000.00