ISQL and Tools
4-8 FairCom Corporation
The following is the commands file to load records into the orders table. The input data file is
orders_in which is a binary file in the fixed length record format.
AS (
order_no POSITION (1:4) LONG,
order_date POSITION (6:16) CHAR,
product POSITION (18:25) CHAR,
qty POSITION (27:30) LONG
) ;
FOR EACH RECORD orders_rec FROM orders_in
INSERT INTO ADMIN.orders (no, date, prod, units)
VALUES (order_no, order_date, product, qty) ;
This section discusses the different types of errors that can occur during the execution of
There are three types of errors that can occur during the dbload execution process:
• Commands file errors
• dbload errors
• c-treeSQL database errors
The invalid records that are encountered during the processing of records from the data files
are flagged as bad records and are written to the badfile that is specified in the dbload com-
mand option. By default, the bad records are written to the file, badfile, in the current directory.
Any error in the input data file is messaged in the log file (if specified in the command line
option) along with the statistics. The following sections discuss the compilation errors and fatal
errors that could occur during the dbload process execution.
4.7.1 Compilation Errors
The compilation error messages are as follows:
Record name redefined.
The record name in the DEFINE RECORD statement was already defined. The record name
must be unique. dbload creates a new definition using the same name.
Error in record definition.
Too many fields in record definition.
The number of fields used in the record definition is more than the maximum allowed. Cur-
rently, the maximum number allowed is TPE_MAX_FIELDS in the header file sql_lib.h.
Position not specified for fixed length record.