
READ 6 (CD-ROM mode) 08h
READ 6 (CD-ROM mode) 08h
Transfer Length blocks of data are transferred to the host, starting from the current logical position
specified by Logical Block Address. Any spacing performed to locate to the specified block
address is performed with mark counting disabled.
Requests falling within the first 250 kilobytes of data on tape will be performed with very little
delay (less than 2 seconds) because the drive caches this data at load time.
Pre-execution checks:
Command descriptor block:
CDB fields:
Read 6 Specific status:
See the “Read specific status:” on page 108.
Residue Information:
See the “Residue information:” on page 108 for the normal Read command.
Illegal Field Fixed Bit Flag Link
Bad LUN Reservation Deferred Error
Unit Attention Media Access Diagnostic Status
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code (08h)
1 (MSB)
Logical Block Address
3 (LSB)
4 Transfer Length
5 Control
Logical Block Address Specifies the block address from which to read. The tape drive will space to this
block before reading data.
Transfer Length The number of blocks of data to return. Each CD-ROM block is 2048 bytes in
size. This size is automatically set in the mode data’s fixed block length while in
CD-ROM mode.