Attribute ID values
Attributes can be Standard or Vendor-Unique. There are three groups of attributes: Device,
Medium and Host attributes. Each group has a list of attributes, which characterize the group:
RITE ATTRIBUTES commands are only accepted for Host type attributes (either Standard or
Trying to read or write Device or Medium type Vendor-Unique attributes will fail and
status is reported. Sense data will be as described in the Illegal Field Checks.
Standard device type attributes
Attribute ID Attribute Type Standard/Vendor-Unique Read-Only
0000h–03FFh Device Standard Yes
0400h–07FFh Medium Standard Yes
0800h–0BFFh Host Standard No
0C00h–0FFFh Device Vendor-Unique Yes
1000h–13FFh Medium Vendor-Unique n/a
1400h–17FFh Host Vendor-Unique No
1800h–FFFFh Reserved
ID Attribute Size (bytes) Format
0000h Remaining capacity in partition 8Binary
0001h Maximum capacity in partition 8Binary
0002h TapeAlert flags 8Binary
0003h Load count 8Binary
0004h MAM space remaining 8Binary
0005h Assigning organization 8ASCII
0006h Formatted density code 1Binary
0007h–0209h Reserved
020Ah Device make/serial number at last load 40 ASCII
020Bh Device make/serial number at load –1 40 ASCII
020Ch Device make/serial number at load –2 40 ASCII
020Dh Device make/serial number at load –3 40 ASCII
020Eh–021Fh Reserved
0220h Total MB written in medium life 8Binary
0221h Total MB read in medium life 8Binary
0222h Total MB written in current/last load 8Binary
0223h Total MB read in current/last load 8Binary