71h Indicates that the error is deferred. A deferred error occurs when there is a
failure for an operation that has already been terminated with a GOOD
status, or when failure occurs in “cleanup” activity following an operation
that was terminated by BUS RELEASE. The command for which
status was reported is therefore unlikely to be the cause of the
deferred error. It simply gives the drive the opportunity to report
status for an error that already exists.
Segment Number This field is cleared to zero.
Mark 1 The Mark bit is set to 1 if a SPACE, READ or VERIFY command did not
complete because a filemark was read. This bit may only be set if the sense
key is NO SENSE.
EOM 1 The End of Medium flag is set if a WRITE or WRITE FILEMARKS command
completed in the early warning area. If no other error occurred, the sense
code will be set to NO SENSE with additional sense of 0002h (EOT). If
another error occurred, the sense code and additional sense will reflect that
error. It is also set if BOP is encountered while spacing over blocks or
filemarks in the reverse direction.
ILI 1 Indicates that the requested block length did not match the actual block
length. Only
READ and VERIFY can cause this bit to be set.
Sense Key See “Sense Keys” on page 157 for details of sense keys that can be returned.
Information Bytes The Information Bytes field is only valid if the Valid bit is set. It contains residue
information following the failure of either a
command. The field can take a negative value, expressed in 2’s complement
notation for the SPACE command. See the description of the command that failed for
the contents of the field.
Additional Sense
10h Specifies the number of additional sense bytes to follow. It is never truncated
to reflect the actual Transfer Length.
Command Specific
Information Bytes
0 Provides additional information specific to the failing command. The field is
normally set to 0.
Additional Sense
Code and Qualifier
These two bytes provide additional information about the cause of the
, or the current tape position when the REQUEST SENSE is unsolicited.
See “Additional Sense Codes” on page 159.
SKSV 0 The Sense Key Specific Bytes (bytes 15 through 17) are invalid. The C/D,
BPV and Bit pointer fields will be zero. The top byte of the Field Pointer will
be zero, and the bottom byte will contain a product-specific error code.
1 The Sense Key Specific Bytes are valid. This will only happen when the bytes
assume the role of Field Pointer Bytes as defined by ANSI. This occurs when
an Illegal Field check detects an error in a command descriptor block or a
Parameter List check detects an error in a command parameter list.
C/D Command Data. Only valid if the SKSV flag is set.
0 The Field Pointer information applies to the parameter list for the command.
1 The Field Pointer information applies to the command descriptor block.