
* * space, and not use terminal cassette tapes and slaved *
* * devices, use DDC00.REL wherever DDC01.REL is specified. *
* * *
* * 9. Run the RTEA generator (RTAGN) on the answer file, *
* * producing a new system and snap file. Place them on *
* * the /SYSTEM directory (on the LU mounted by BOOTEX). *
* * *
* * 10. Create a new welcome command file (or copy WELCOME1.CMD). *
* * Modify it to copy your new snap file to /SYSTEM/SNAP.SNP. *
* * *
* * 11. Create a new boot command file (or copy BOOT.CMD). Modify *
* * this boot command file to designate the system and snap *
* * files just created. Also modify the startup program *
* * (st,,nn) to indicate your new welcome file (welcomenn.cmd), *
* * where nn is between 1 and 99. *
* * *
* * 12. Boot the new system as before, specifying the new boot *
* * command file in the VCP> string. In this way, you can save *
* * the Primary System as a backup system. *
* * *
* * NOTE: EDIT/1000 can perform the string removal with the *
* * command .,$x/*!REMOVE!// (this edit command removes *
* * all occurences of *!REMOVE! from the current line *
* * until the end of the file. Be sure you are at the *
* * first line you want to modify when you execute this *
* * command. *
* * *
* ***********************************************************************
* *
* ========== *
* *
* The Primary System is designed to be extremely flexible and serves *
* two main purposes. First, it is used as a verification tool for all *
* supported peripherals on the ASeries. Second, it is used to generate *
* a customized system for the particular needs of the customer. *
* *
* To provide maximum flexibility the primary system is NOT necessarily *
* the configuration that HP recommends for the final system generation. *
* Depending on the mix and cabling of the peripherals connected, the *
* possibility exists of configuring the system in an unsupported manner, *
* which can adversely impact system operation and performance. It is the *
* responsibility of the user to be aware of these limitations and not *
* violate the maximum number or mix of devices on a given interface to *
* avoid the possibility of data corruption or diminished system performance.*
* *
* For support and configuration information, contact your local sales *
* representative or customer engineer for the information. *
* *
* I/O D E F I N I T I O N S
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