
6 170 12 PROMT (data)
7 182 14 USERS (data)
8 196 32 (none)
BUILD: /e:
BUILD completed. Bootable system image in file
  
              
             
            
               
                 
CI> ru,build,cmand::18,exmpl,mbsys,snp.b::18,gen.b::18
     
NO, no automatic partitioning
256, memory size in pages
5, size of partition 1
32, size of partition 2
10, .
13, .
28, .
32, size of partition 6
/C, end partition definition
RP,RUNL,, load RUNL into the system.
PA,4, place RUNL in partition 4
RP,COMND,, load COMND into the system.
PA,1,, place COMND in partition 1
RP,DRTR,D.RTR, load D.RTR into the system
SZ,32, size D.RTR to 32 pages
PA,2, place D.RTR in partition 2
RP,WH,, load WH into the system
SZ,15, size WH to 15 pages
PA,5, place WH into partition 5
RP,APPLN,, load APPLN into the system
PA,6, place APPLN in partition 6
ST,ST,FI,LE,,, make APPLN the startup program; pass parameters
/E, complete the BUILD process
            
yes,, Automatic partitioning
2048,, System size in pages