
BUILD completed.
Bootable system image in file MEMBASED.SYS::SYSTEM:1:1448:128>5003.
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CI> ru build,,janet.lst,janet.sys,snap,system
* *
* Thu Jan 23, 1986 1:55 pm *
* *
* BUILD constructs a bootable system image file given *
* a generated system file, its snapshot, and programs to be *
* loaded into memory. Type /A to abort the build at any *
* time, /E to end. *
* *
Current file size constrains the system to be under 256 pages.
* *
* The partition layout of the RTE-A system will now be *
* defined. The system requires the first 56 pages of memory. *
* This phase will be completed automatically when all memory *
* or memory descriptors have been defined. A /C also completes *
* this phase and a /R will restart this phase of the build. *
* *
Do you want automatic partition construction (YES/NO) ? no
Physical memory size in K words (nnn) ? 256
202 pages of memory remaining
Partition 1 length in pages (nn) ? 32
170 pages of memory remaining
Partition 2 length in pages (nn) ? 32
138 pages of memory remaining
Partition 3 length in pages (nn) ? 7
131 pages of memory remaining
Partition 4 length in pages (nn) ? 13
118 pages of memory remaining
Partition 5 length in pages (nn) ? 32
86 pages of memory remaining
Partition 6 length in pages (nn) ? 12
74 pages of memory remaining
Partition 7 length in pages (nn) ? 14
60 pages of memory remaining