
Using Passwords, Port Security, and Authorized IP Managers To Protect Against Unauthorized Access
Configuring and Monitoring Port Security
Using Passwords, Port
Security, and Authorized IP
For example, suppose port 1 is configured as shown below and you want to
remove 0c0090-123456 from the Authorized Address list:
The following command serves this purpose by removing 0c0090-123456 and
reducing the Address Limit to 1:
HP2512(config) # port-security 1 address-limit 1
HP2512(config) # no port-security 1 mac-address
The above command sequence results in the following configuration for port 1:
Web: Displaying and Configuring Port Security Features
1. Click on the Security tab.
2. Click on [Port Security].
3. Select the settings you want and, if you are using the Static Learn Mode,
add or edit the Authorized Addresses field.
4. Implement your new data by clicking on [Apply Changes].
When removing 0c0090-123456, first
reduce the Address Limit by 1 to prevent
the port from automatically adding
another device that it detects on the