Configuring Advanced Features
Multimedia Traffic Control with IP Multicast (IGMP)
Configuring Advanced
Note: IP Multicast Filters. IP multicast addresses occur in the range from through (which corresponds to the Ethernet multi-
cast address range of 01005e-000000 through 01005e-7fffff). Devices such as
the HP Switch 1600M/2400M/2424M/4000M/8000M having static Traffic/Secu-
rity filters configured with a “Multicast” filter type and a “Multicast Address”
in this range will continue in effect unless IGMP learns of a multicast group
destination in this range. In that case, IGMP takes over the filtering function
for the multicast destination address(es) for as long as the IGMP group is
active. If the IGMP group subsequently deactivates, the static filter resumes
control over traffic to the multicast address formerly controlled by IGMP.
(Note that the Switch 2512 and 2524 do not have traffic/security filters.)
Reserved Addresses Excluded from IP Multicast (IGMP) Filtering.
Traffic to IP multicast groups in the IP address range of to
will always be flooded because addresses in this range are “well known” or
“reserved” addresses. Thus, if IP Multicast is enabled and there is an IP
multicast group within the reserved address range, traffic to that group will
be flooded instead of filtered by the switch.
Number of IP Multicast Addresses Allowed
Multicast filters and IGMP filters (addresses) together can total up to 255 in
the switch. If multiple VLANs are configured, then each filter is counted once
per VLAN in which it is used.
Interaction with Multicast Traffic/Security Filters.